Our Team Here At Solid Rock

Senior Pastors Bruce and Berneda Mullins

Pastors Bruce & Berneda founded Solid Rock Church in March 2013 with 3 other people. Their goal was to build a revival church that would impact Eastern Kentucky. Today Solid Rock is a thriving church that is growing and changing lives weekly.

Associate Pastors – Lonnie and Geneva Mullins

Pastor Lonnie has been in ministry for many years

declaring God’s word and equipping others for ministry.

Assistant Pastors – Kevin & Andrea Harper


                                                                            Pastor Kevin works closely with Pastor Bruce in all                                                                                                areas of church growth and our continuing revival.


Elder Jim Hiatt is one of our spiritual and financial advisors, guiding Solid Rock into the future

Elder Dave Williamson is another spiritual and financial advisor, leading Solid Rock into our destiny

Melissa Haitt heads up our

Kinder Church

Melissa is our Kinder Church Pastor.

She loves our kids and shares her love for Jesus with them.

Youth Pastor

Ellen Adams – Youth Pastor

                             Becca Hopkins

Becca heads up our Super Church.

                                 Shane Mullins

                 Praise and Worship Director and Executive Director of all media and

church promotions locally and worldwide.


Our Media Team – Our Media Team currently consists of Steve Riddle, Johnny Johnson and Larry Ratliff – These guys take care of all our cameras, all audio and video for recording and livestream.